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Board of Directors

Pamela Andrews, Chair 
Elizabeth Waring, Board Member
Michael Briscoe, Board Member
Jane Pechera, Board Member
Pastor Jay Broadnax, Board Member
Juanita Manley, Board Member
Judy Walterson, Board Member

Governing Documents

The governing documents of the WP/SP RCO are as follows:

Mission Statement —as required of an RCO

Definition of Boundaries —as required of an RCO


By laws -—as required of an RCO

Statement of Significant Policies

and by reference, City of Philadelphia regulations and requirements for RCOs


In the event of a change in the City of Philadelphia’s regulations and requirements for RCOs the WP/SP RCO will endeavor to make the necessary changes to its governing documents, other internal or external policy and/or procedures, and any other activities such that the Association remains in compliance. Such change shall be made as soon as reasonably practicable consistent with Organization policies and procedures applicable to changing the affected documents, policies, procedures, or other activities.

Mission Statement

The WP/SP RCO is a team of dedicated volunteer community members who are driven by the need to preserve the architectural integrity of the neighborhood, make the neighborhood a desirable place for families, individuals, and seniors and create a balance with single-family homeowners, long-term renters, and multi-unit properties, reduce parking issues, and maximize its potential for a sustainable community with a prosperous business community containing enterprises serving the community on the Lancaster Avenue and Chestnut Street corridors. The Organization volunteers undertake whatever tasks are necessary toward fulfillment of its Mission Statement and the Objectives stated in its bylaws specifically including all activities associated
with development, zoning, and planning to fulfill the obligations of the registered RCO.

Definition of Boundaries

Beginning at the north east corner of 34th Street and Chestnut Street, then west along Chestnut Street to 46th Street, then north along 46th Street to Haverford Avenue, then east along Haverford Avenue to Lancaster Avenue, then east along Lancaster to 34th Street, and then south along 34the Street to the starting point at Chestnut Street. 

In order to ensure that both sides of the street are considered together, the boundaries include both sides of boundary streets, all corners of boundary intersections, including extended intersections such as 40th Street, Lancaster Avenue, and Haverford Avenue, where all properties touching the extended intersection are included. We recognize that this creates a condition of overlapping coverage at boundaries. We feel this is essential to create conditions conducive to harmonious development of both sides of all streets. We fully expect our neighboring RCOs to also recognize this and likewise include both sides of boundary streets within their territory.


Article I - Objectives


1) To exert influence, whenever and wherever possible, for the preservation and improvement of the residential character of the WP/SP RCOs territory.

2) To create a climate conductive to the investment of capital in the area directed toward restoration and residential redevelopment. 

3) To encourage long term residency in both owner-occupied property and rental houses/ apartments. 

4) To oppose the misuse of property by absentee ownership or property speculation which creates a quick turnover of vacant land and buildings which results in rapidly escalating prices. 

5) To exert influence against any building usage which would be detrimental to the residential character of the area. 

6) To preserve the uniqueness of WP/SP RCOs territorial Victorian, Italianate, and Federal architectural style, and to prevent further destruction of architectural properties classified as either contributing or significant. 

7) To improve city services in our area. 

8) To improve the caliber of public education to meet the needs of residents of the area.

9) To prevent further encroachment on our community by neighboring institutions.

10) To encourage business and commercial development beneficial to the community on the Market Street and Lancaster Avenue commercial corridors. 

11) To function as the RCO for our territory, including participation in ZBA hearings and planning activities covering our territory. 

12) To not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, religion, age, sex or gender orientation. 

The above objectives are not necessarily all-inclusive. Any lines of action deemed necessary to implement the objectives will be formulated in keeping with the general spirit of the tasks outlined above. 

Article II - Membership


1) Voting Membership: Any individual (1) maintaining their primary residence within the WP/ SP RCO’s area, and (2) registered as a voter at their primary residence within the WP/SP RCO’s area is eligible for voting membership upon payment of the minimum dues. 

2) Affiliated Membership: Any individual, business, institution, property owner, fraternity, sorority, organization, or other entity with a bona fide presence within the Association’s territory is eligible for affiliated membership. 

3) Exchange Membership: Any community organization or similar body with an interest in

working together on common issues and/or exchanging information is eligible for reciprocal exchange membership provided that our Association is granted similar status in the applying organization.

Article III - Board of Directors


1) The activities, affairs and property of the WP/SP RCO shall be managed, directed and controlled by the Board of Directors, vested with appropriate powers to exercise these functions. 

2) The Board of Directors shall select from within the Board such officers as may be necessary to conduct the daily business of the association. At a minimum there shall be a Chair. If the association handles funds there shall also be a Treasurer. 

3) Nomination and election of directors shall be as prescribed by the Bylaws.

4) Directors are expected to conduct the association’s business in a professional, timely, and businesslike manner. Failure to do so shall be grounds for removal from office. Further, Directors are expected to enforce similar standards on all committee or sub-committee chairpersons, and on all persons representing the association to external parties.

5) The number of Directors shall be a minimum of three and a maximum of nine. 


Article IV - Meetings 


1) The meeting of the entire WP/SP RCO shall be at such a time and date as determined by the Board of Directors, but must be held at least monthly as required for an RCO. The times, dates, and places of all meetings shall be announced to all members of the Association at least 48 hours in advance. 

2) Meeting of the Board of Directors shall be convened as the need arises, in particular should there be a need for action on an application going to the ZBA or a need to fulfill a requirement of an RCO between monthly membership meetings. 

3) The standing Zoning Committee shall meet if necessary to handle the volume of applicants for actions required of an RCO. 

4) In the event that all necessary business can not be conducted in a reasonable timeframe, a meeting may be continued to another day and time. In such circumstance, notification of all those present at adjournment of the session shall be deemed adequate notice of the continuation session. However, to the extent that time and resources permit, the continued session shall be

announced according to normal meeting notification procedures. 

Article V - Committees 


1) Standing Committees shall be constituted, converted to a non-standing committee, or dissolved with the approval of the WP/SP RCO. At a minimum, there shall be a standing Zoning Committee to handle, among other appropriate duties, all functions required to RCOs. 

2) Committees, other than Standing Committees, shall be constituted and dissolved by the Board of Directors as deemed necessary. The Chairpersons of such committees shall be appointed by the Chair, subject to veto by majority vote of the Board of Directors. 

3) Removal of committee chairpersons may only be accomplished by majority vote of the Board of Directors. Any other member of a committee may be removed for cause by the chairperson or the Chair. 

4) Subcommittees may be constituted and dissolved by the Board of Directors or the Chairperson of other committees as deemed necessary. The Chairpersons of such subcommittees shall be appointed by the Chair or by the Chairperson of the Committee forming the subcommittee, subject to a majority vote of the Board of Directors or the Committee forming the subcommittee. 


Article VI - Parliamentary Authority 


1) Meetings of the WP/SP RCO shall be conducted in a courteous, reasonable and fair manner. All persons present shall be entitled to present their information and views.

2) For purposes of this Article meetings shall be defined as any prescheduled or special meeting of the Board of Directors, the membership, any committee or subcommittee, and if required any group or single member with an external party in an official capacity. 


Article VII - Public Representation 


1) No member or Director may act as representative of, or speak on behalf of the WP/SP RCO by use of its name in public meetings, in the press, or other media, unless specifically authorized to do so by the Chair or the Board of Directors. 


Articles VIII - Amendments to the Constitution


1) An amendment to the Constitution must be submitted in writing one meeting prior to the regular business meeting at which it will be voted on. The Constitution may be amended by two-thirds vote, a quorum being present. 

©2025 West Powelton/Saunders Park Registered Community Organization.

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