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WP/SP RCO Street Cleaning Initiative

Keeping our streets litter free!

The West Powelton/Saunders Park cleaning initiative started in the fall of 2021 with just a small team of dedicated street cleaners. Since then they have kept our neighborhood clean by picking up litter in our streets, clearing weeds from the sidewalks, and tidying up tree wells.


Check out this video of the progress the street cleaning team has made:


This initiative is made possible with the support of local developers, anchor institutions and community members. Please help support a litter free West Powelton by donating to the initative. Write your check or money order payable to West Powelton Saunders Park RCO and mail to PO Box 9572, Philadelphia PA 19101 or contact us to pick up your donation! Your gift is tax deductible. 

Street Cleaning Initiative: About Us
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